So I have been doing a lot of thinking of late, the main focus of that thinking is - what do I want to be when I grow up? I've just graduated in Jewellery and Object Design, but fear I don't have nearly enough skills to call myself a Jeweller and/or a Designer (I will, but will continue to feel slightly uncomfortable with the notion). What did I do for the last 3 years? What did I learn at that school of mine? These questions have been plaguing my sober thoughts for a few months now! My only reasonable response: I HAVE NO IDEA! I would like to add a side note here - I do not hold any institution accountable for my lack of 'pushing ones self ability' and accept that it was all of my own un/doing!
I may have spent many nights out drinking and having a good old time, I may have decided to start my assignments the night before they were due, and I may have spent almost all my available workshop time distracting other students and generally getting up to no good. Apparently thats 'Art School' - but now in my slightly more mature years (4 months in the real world) I have come to realize that life is not all beer and skittles (oh but how I wish it was). I like to think I live by the motto 'no regrets' - but i've had a few, and not pushing myself and learning all a can when I had the chance, is possibly on the top of my relativity shot list.
So today, I wrote a list, a glimpse into the future if you will, of the things I want to accomplish when I grow up. Its a pretty good list if I do say so myself, now as much as I would love to share with you, my patient and supportive audience, I think I might just keep it under-wraps for the time being. Well at least till I knock a few things off it, to prove to myself that I didn't waste all my time at 'art school' having fun, and that maybe just a few of the important facts/lessons may have seeped in by osmosis. You never know your luck in the big city!